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BNP 65
Unit of Measure
1 2 

Item #

Item Name


13310 N/A Aluminum Oxide Kit for BNP 65S-300 and BNP 65S-600 Model $930.00
28898 N/A Aluminum Oxide Kit for BNP 65P-600 Model $1,025.00
24744 N/A Anti-Fatigue Mat $595.00
24900 N/A Armrest Assembly for One Operator $965.00
23531 N/A Black Curtain Set $530.00
23541 N/A White Curtain Set $1,300.00
21855 N/A Left Side Air-Powered Vertical Lift Door $6,885.00
21857 N/A Right Side Air-Powered Vertical Lift Door $6,890.00
24163 N/A Door Release, Time-Delay Timer for Double Pressure Models $5,060.00
12318 N/A Gun Mount $169.00
23625 N/A 600 Cubic Feet Per Minute (ft³/min) Air Flow Rate Free-Standing High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Filter $1,890.00
23626 N/A 900 Cubic Feet Per Minute (ft³/min) Air Flow Rate Free-Standing High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Filter $1,890.00
22502 N/A 24 Inch (in) Filter Element $930.00
12528 N/A Manometer Kit $259.00
24885 N/A Noise-Reduction Arm Ports $525.00
23610 N/A Right Pass Through Door $1,180.00
23611 N/A Left Pass Through Door $1,180.00
23150 N/A Old Style Reclaimer Rubber Liner Set $2,350.00
29541 N/A Current Reclaimer Rubber Liner Set $2,005.00
23151 N/A Reclaimer Rubber Liner Set $2,470.00
12227 N/A Suction Only Tumble Basket $3,650.00
12226 N/A Replacement Basket $700.00
12412 N/A 20 Inch (in) Diameter and 25 Pound (lb) Capacity Manual Fixed-Base Turntable $720.00
12411 N/A 20 Inch (in) Diameter and 500 Pound (lb) Capacity Manual Fixed-Base Turntable $2,680.00
14138 N/A 30 Inch (in) Diameter and 500 Pound (lb) Capacity Manual Fixed-Base Turntable $2,855.00
Unit of Measure
1 2