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AQV Quantum Pressure-Hold remotes with ACS
Unit of Measure



N/A Apollo Clemco®

Working Pressure Rating

N/A 150 psi


N/A 6.0 ft³


N/A Portable

Piping Size

N/A 1-1/4 in

Remote Controls

N/A Remote control systems have valves matched in size to the blast machine piping. Remote Control System styles vary to suit the blasting operation or application. Pneumatic Remote Controls work best with blast hose lengths up to 100 ft.; and Electric Remotes, powered electro-pneumatically, are for hose lengths greater than 100 ft.

Machine Piping Size Pressure-Release Pressure-Release with ACS Pressure-Hold Pneumatic or Electric
Pneumatic Electric Pneumatic Electric Pneumatic Electric
1/2" TLR50           Pneumatic only
1" TLR 100 EAC 100 or EDC 100 TLR 100C EAC 100C or EDC 100C     Pneumatic or electric
1 1/4" TLR 300 EAC 300 or EDC 300 TLR 300C EAC 300C or EDC 300C Sentinel Remote Controls
Single and dual operator systems available, Consult distributor for details.
Pneumatic or electric

Piping Size:
Size varies with pressure vessel capacity. Choose larger diameter piping for high production operations.

Pressure-Release Remotes:
Pressurize/depressurize machine by pressing/releasing handle - simplest system to operate.

Pressure-Release with Abrasive Cut-off:
Allows the operator to stop the flow of abrasive to blow off the surface after blasting.

Pressure-Hold Remotes:
Keep the blast machine under pressure for frequent starting and stopping.



N/A All have pneumatic pressure-release remote controls except as specified. Electric remotes should be used when blast hose is 100ft or longer.