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The Most Affordable & Dependable Gas Dryer Available
As the industry leader in deliquescent desiccant technology, Van Gas Technologies has designed Pipeline Deliquescent Dryers (PLD) to be an economical and effective solution for natural gas dehydration. Standard single-tower Pipeline Dryers are available with maximum working pressures of 280 PSIG to 1450 PSIG, and flow capacities up to 15.2 MMSCFD. Gas dryers rated for higher pressures and flow rates are available on an engineered to order basis. PLD Series dryers provide a low cost solution for moisture removal from natural gas for everyone from the shallow home well operators to large producers of natural gas.
Unit of Measure



N/A Kleen Blast® Van Air Systems


N/A PLD36-7.2

Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP)

N/A 720 psig

Inlet/Outlet (I/O) Connection Size

N/A 3 in

Inlet/Outlet (I/O) Connection Type

N/A Flange


N/A 300


N/A 37-3/4 in


N/A 100-13/16 in

Weight Empty

N/A 2900 lb

Prime Direct On-Line (DOL)

N/A 1781 lb

Set Point (SP)/Peak

N/A 1361 lb

Maximum 10 Bar Full (BF)

N/A 1484 lb

Ceramic Bead Pre-Bed

N/A 318 lb

Maximum Capacities at 10 Pound Per Square Inch Gauge (PSIG) Pressure

N/A 257 mscfd

Maximum Capacities at 25 Pound Per Square Inch Gauge (PSIG) Pressure

N/A 412 mscfd

Maximum Capacities at 50 Pound Per Square Inch Gauge (PSIG) Pressure

N/A 672 mscfd

Maximum Capacities at 100 Pound Per Square Inch Gauge (PSIG) Pressure

N/A 1191 mscfd

Maximum Capacities at 200 Pound Per Square Inch Gauge (PSIG) Pressure

N/A 2230 mscfd

Maximum Capacities at 280 Pound Per Square Inch Gauge (PSIG) Pressure

N/A 3061 mscfd

Maximum Capacities at 500 Pound Per Square Inch Gauge (PSIG) Pressure

N/A 5346 mscfd

Maximum Capacities at 720 Pound Per Square Inch Gauge (PSIG) Pressure

N/A 7631 mscfd

Vessel Warranty

N/A 10 years

Recommended Filter

N/A GF105-7631-3-*-7.2

Note for Recommended Filter

N/A Note when ordering a Filter please select whether it needs to be particulate (p)or coalescing(c). Consult Factory for filter options for all PLD 2.8 models.



  • Natural gas dehydration at wellheads
  • Dry fuel gas
  • Inhibit hydrate formation
  • Protect meters, regulators and other instruments

Features and Benefits

Features and Benefits

  • Stop freeze-ups and hydrate formation
  • No power required and no moving parts
  • Meets pipeline moisture specifications
  • No purge loss

How Does It Work?

How Does It Work?

N/A Wet gas contacts the pre-bed, which is coated with desiccant solution. This area removes mist or droplets too small for mechanical separation. In addition, the hygroscopic desiccant solution on the extended surface of the pre-bed starts the drying process. Further moisture removal occurs in the desiccant bed where the remaining water vapor is removed from the gas. The desiccant tablets at the top of the bed serve as a backup supply. At the outlet, the gas is free of liquid water. Moisture vapor is substantially reduced and hydrate formation is eliminated.

Replacement Dryer Parts

Replacement Dryer Parts

N/A 26-3640, 6 Inch (in) Fill Cover O-Ring ($30.00)

Additional Information

Additional Information

N/A Did you know?
Van Air Systems sells natural gas dryers and desiccant under the name Van Gas Technologies. The PLD Series dryers are the primary line of gas drying vessels and can be installed in a variety of natural gas dehydration applications.

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