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Quantum electric pressure-hold remote control systems provide operator start/stop control at the nozzle without depressurizing the blast machine.

Pressure-hold remotes are mandatory on all multiple-outlet blast machines, as they allow one or more operators to stop blasting without interrupting the blast operation of any other operator who may be blasting from the same machine.

Electric remote controls are used when the nozzle is farther than 100 feet from the blast machine.

An Anti-freeze injector is standard feature on Quantum Electric Remote Control Systems.
Quantum Electric Pressure-Hold Remote Control Systems
Unit of Measure
Items Image
Model AQV-EPH 120 Volts (V) Alternate Current (AC) Voltage Single-Operator Quantum Electric Pressure-Hold Remote Control System
Price $3,690.00
Model AQV-EPH 12 Volts (V) Direct Current (DC) Voltage Single-Operator Quantum Electric Pressure-Hold Remote Control System
Price $3,930.00
Quantum Electric Pressure-Hold Remote Control Systems
Model AQV-EPH 120 Volts (V) Alternate Current (AC) Voltage Two-Operator Quantum Electric Pressure-Hold Remote Control System
Price $6,310.00
Quantum Electric Pressure-Hold Remote Control Systems
Model AQV-EPH 12 Volts (V) Direct Current (DC) Voltage Two-Operator Quantum Electric Pressure-Hold Remote Control System
Price $6,320.00
Description N/A Quantum electric pressure-hold remote control systems provide operator start/stop control at the nozzle without depressurizing the blast machine.

Pressure-hold remotes are mandatory on all multiple-outlet blast machines, as they allow one or more operators to stop blasting without interrupting the blast operation of any other operator who may be blasting from the same machine.

Electric remote controls are used when the nozzle is farther than 100 feet from the blast machine.

An Anti-freeze injector is standard feature on Quantum Electric Remote Control Systems.
Brands N/A Apollo Clemco®
Alternating Current (AC) Voltage N/A N/A N/A 120 V N/A
Direct Current (DC) Voltage N/A N/A 12 V N/A N/A 12 V
Weight N/A 65 lb N/A 65 lb N/A 140 lb N/A 140 lb
Includes N/A 1-1/4 in. Air Valve 50 ft Electric Control Cable Abrasive Cut-Off Switch with ACS AQV Quantum Abrasive Metering Valve Control Panel Electric RLX Handle Required Hoses and Fittings
Note N/A The power input cable to the control box is 5 ft. long. If the blast machine is farther from a power source, use a grounded 14/3 UL-approved extension cord with 120 volt power source.