Clearance Specials
Large Cylinders
Calibration Kit - 20 ppm CO gas, zero air, preset regulator, tubing and case, 103 liter size disposable cylinders
Unit of Measure



N/A Kleen Blast®

How Often Should I Calibrate The Monitor?

How Often Should I Calibrate The Monitor?

N/A Air Systems recommends calibrating our CO and CO/O2 Series breathing air monitors monthly. If monthly calibrations are not followed, the monitor should be recalibrated at least every six months from the last calibration prior to use.
Zero Air - When calibrating the monitor, Zero Air is used to achieve a true zero reading on the monitor before using the Carbon Monoxide (CO) test gas. Zero air removes all background interference gasses.
Carbon Monoxide (CO) - Use only 10-20 ppm CO gas for calibration. Using a higher CO concentration may decrease accuracy at lower scale readings. Note: 10 ppm gas must be used to satisfy Canadian calibration requirements.
Oxygen (O2) - For CO/ O2 monitor, use only 20.9% oxygen in nitrogen gas for calibration.



N/A Calibration gasses are considered hazardous material and incur a hazmat fee when shipping.