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Maximum Performance for Drying Air and Gas

10BF®/GasDry™ Max is the primary desiccant choice for Natural Gas applications. 10BF®/GasDry™ Max has the highest moisture absorbing capacity per pound of any other deliquescent desiccant while still achieving a very low moisture content.
10BF®/GasDry™ Max Desiccants
Unit of Measure

Item #

Item Name

Dew Point Suppression

Equilibrium Relative Humidity (RH)

Operating Temperature


33-0232 N/A 10BF®/GasDry™ Max 25 Pound (lb) Weight Pail Desiccant N/A Up to 63 º N/A Up to 13 % N/A 100 Degree Fahrenheit (ºF) and Lower $1,900.00
33-0393 N/A 10BF®/GasDry™ Max 45 Pound (lb) Weight Pail Desiccant N/A Up to 63 º N/A Up to 13 % N/A 100 Degree Fahrenheit (ºF) and Lower QUOTE
Unit of Measure