Clearance Specials
BNP blast cabinets deliver efficient, affordable media blasting to clean, peen, deburr, or finish parts.

Common Applications
  • Remove rust, mill scale, heat scale, and carbon buildup from metals
  • Strip paint, powder coating, plating, and anodizing from parts for rework
  • Eliminate burrs, reduce flashings, and other defects from castings and injection- molded parts
  • Extract residual sand from castings
  • Beautify steel, stainless steel, aluminum, brass and other metals with a uniform matte finish
  • Etch artwork
  • more
Unit of Measure
BNP Double 220 Suction Blast Cabinet

BNP Double 220 Suction Blast Cabinets

BNP Double 220 Suction Blast Cabinet

BNP Double 220 Suction Blast Cabinets
Manufacturer N/A
Reclaim N/A 900 CFM25 m³/m
Dust Collection N/A Dry Filters N/A Reverse Pulse Collector
Stock No. N/A 21156 N/A 21157
Product N/A Suction Blast Cabinets