Clearance Specials
Hatch Cover (gasket not included)
Unit of Measure



Kleen Blast® Van Air Systems



Hatch Covers for FD-Series and serial numbers between 111,000 and 126,800 require hatch cover part number 46-3809 or 46-3810.

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Fuel cells set beside the compressors and nothing is shut down until the ship is unloaded. The effectiveness and efficiencies of dew point reduction, afforded by the Pro-100, insures that lines won't become caked or clogged with damaging moisture. Costly line repairs and down time are now a thing of the past. Using no purge air and only a small percentage of sacrificial air to the integrated air motor, the Pro-100 is a completely self-contained portable pneumatic drying and cleaning system. No electricity is required, as the power is in the DRY-O-LITE® desiccant. The end user couldn't be happier with the system Pinnacle maintains and has just awarded them another contract for 2020. This air treatment system has successfully unloaded 8 ships in 2018, 10 in 2019.