Clearance Specials
The remote control systems are pressure-release style; they provide operator start/stop control at the nozzle, and allow the blast machine to depressurize, for refilling, each time the control handle is released.
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N/A TLR-50 1/2 Inch (in) Remote Control System N/A Apollo Clemco® N/A 12 lb $540.00 Add To Cart
N/A TLR-100D 1 Inch (in) Remote Control System N/A Apollo Clemco® N/A 26 lb $720.00 Add To Cart
N/A TLR-300D 1-1/4 or 1-1/2 Inch (in) Remote Control System N/A Apollo Clemco® N/A 33 lb $1,120.00 Add To Cart
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